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Available variables are listed below along with default values (see defaults\main.yaml)

  • Wheter to install or not minio server and minio client
minio_install_server: true
minio_install_client: true
  • Minio server installation details

Minio UNIX user/group

minio_group: minio
minio_user: minio

Minio installation directories to place server configuration (minio_etc_dir), TLS certificates (minio_cert_dir) and user access policies (minio_policy_dir)

minio_etc_dir: /etc/minio
minio_cert_dir: "{{ minio_etc_dir }}/ssl"
minio_policy_dir: "{{ minio_etc_dir }}/policy"

Minio server IP address (minio_server_address), if empty server listen in all available IP addresses, and server/console listening ports (minio_server_port and minio_console_port)

minio_server_port: "9091"
minio_server_addr: ""
minio_console_port: "9092"

Minio admin user and password

minio_root_user: ""
minio_root_password: ""

Minio site region

minio_site_region: "eu-west-1"

Minio data directories (minio_server_datadirs) and whether force the creation in case they do not exist (minio_server_make_datadirs)

minio_server_make_datadirs: true
- /var/lib/minio
minio_server_cluster_nodes: []

Set a list of nodes to create a distributed cluster (Multi-Node Multi-Drive deployment).

In this mode, ansible will create your server datadirs (minio_serverdata_dirs), but use this list (minio_server_cluster_nodes) for the server startup.

Multi-drive configuration requires datadirs on separate disks to satisfy Minio's distributed storage requirements.

See recommendations for using, same configuration in all nodes, sequential hostnames and local-atached storage with sequential mounts in the documentation (


- '/mnt/disk1/minio'
- '/mnt/disk2/minio'
- '/mnt/disk3/minio'
- '/mnt/disk4/minio'
- 'https://minio{1...4}{1...4}/minio'
  • Minio client configuration

Connection alias name minio_alias and whether validate or not SSL certificates (minio_validate_certificates)

minio_validate_certificate: true
minio_alias: "myminio"
  • Configuration of TLS

To enable configuration of TLS set minio_enable_tls to true and provide the private key and public certificate as content loaded into minio_key and minio_cert variables.

They can be loaded from files using an ansible task like:

- name: Load tls key and cert from files
minio_key: "{{ lookup('file','certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_private.key') }}"
minio_cert: "{{ lookup('file','certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_public.crt') }}"

minio_url might be needed in case MinIO Server TLS certificates do not contain any IP Subject Alternative Names (SAN). See MINIO_SERVER_URL environment variable definition.

minio_url: "{{ minio_server_port }}"
  • Buckets to be created

Variable minio_buckets create the list of provided buckets, and applying a specifc policy. For creating the buckets, a modified version of Ansible Module from Alexis Facques is used (

- name: bucket1
    policy: read-only
- name: bucket2
    policy: read-write
- name: bucket3
    policy: private

NOTE The module use remote connection to Minio Server using Python API (minio python package). Role ensure that PIP is installed and install minio package.

During bucket creation three types of policy can be specified: private, read-only or read-write buckets.

  • Users to be created and buckets ACLs

Users can be automatically created using minio_users variable: a list of users can be provided, each user with three variables name (user name), password (user password) and buckets_acl list of buckets and type of access granted to each bucket (read-only or read-write). The role automatically create policy json files containing the user policy statements and load them into the server.

Predefined read-only and read-write policies, containing pre-defined access statements, can be used. Custom policies can be also defined using custom policy. In this case list of access statements need to be provided.

- name: user1
password: supers1cret0
    - name: bucket1
    policy: read-write
    - name: bucket2
    policy: read-only
    - name: bucket3
    policy: custom
        - rule: |
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
        - rule: |
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

The previous configuration will create the following policy.json file for the user

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": [
  • Generate Prometheus bearer token
minio_prometheus_bearer_token: false
prometheus_bearer_token_output: "{{ minio_etc_dir }}/prometheus_bearer.json"

Setting minio_prometheus_bearer_token to true, generates a file /etc/minio/prometheus_bearer.json which contains the result of executing the command:

mc admin prometheus generate myminio -json

Example Playbook

The following playbook install and configure minio server and client, enabling TLS and generating self-signed SSL certificates. It also create some buckets and users with proper ACLs

- name: Install and configure Minio Server
hosts: minio
become: true
gather_facts: true
ssl_key_size: 4096
ssl_certificate_provider: selfsigned

- name: Generate self-signed SSL certificates for minio
    include_tasks: generate_selfsigned_cert.yml
        delegate_to: localhost
        become: false
- name: Load tls key and cert
    minio_key: "{{ lookup('file','certificates/' + inventory_hostname + '_private.key') }}"
    minio_cert: "{{ lookup('file','certificates/' + inventory_hostname + '_public.crt') }}"

- role: minio
    minio_root_user: "miniadmin"
    minio_root_password: "supers1cret0"
    minio_enable_tls: true
    minio_url: "https://{{ server_hostname }}:{{ minio_server_port }}"
    - name: bucket1
        policy: read-write
    - name: bucket2
        policy: read-write
    - name: user1
        password: supers1cret0
        - name: bucket1
            policy: read-write
        - name: bucket2
            policy: read-only

pre-tasks section include tasks to generate a private key and a self-signed certificate and load them into minio_key and minio_cert variables.

Where generate_selfsigned_cert.yml contain the tasks for generating a Private Key and SSL self-signed certificate:

- name: Create private certificate
path: "certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_private.key"
size: "{{ ssl_key_size | int }}"
mode: 0644

- name: Create CSR
path: "certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_cert.csr"
privatekey_path: "certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_private.key"
common_name: "{{ server_hostname }}"

- name: Create certificates for keystore
csr_path: "certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_cert.csr"
path: "certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_public.crt"
privatekey_path: "certificates/{{ inventory_hostname }}_private.key"
provider: "{{ ssl_certificate_provider }}"